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Endevco更名为Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc.

Endevco更名为Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc.

  • 分类:公司新闻
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  • 发布时间:2013-03-06 00:00
  • 访问量:20

【概要描述】美国Endevco 公司将其法定名称改为Meggitt(San Juan Capistrano), Inc,并于2010年9月30日,星期四生效。其法定名称的改变并不会改变公司的法人实体的性质及运作方式。Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (前称:Endevco Corporation)仍是一个在美国特拉华州注册成立的法人实体。

Endevco更名为Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc.

【概要描述】美国Endevco 公司将其法定名称改为Meggitt(San Juan Capistrano), Inc,并于2010年9月30日,星期四生效。其法定名称的改变并不会改变公司的法人实体的性质及运作方式。Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (前称:Endevco Corporation)仍是一个在美国特拉华州注册成立的法人实体。

  • 分类:公司新闻
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2013-03-06 00:00
  • 访问量:20

公司名称更改:Endevco更名为Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc.




美国Endevco 公司将其法定名称改为Meggitt(San Juan Capistrano), Inc,并于2010930日,星期四生效。其法定名称的改变并不会改变公司的法人实体的性质及运作方式。Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (前称:Endevco Corporation)仍是一个在美国特拉华州注册成立的法人实体。

由于Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (前称:Endevco Corporation)的法人实体性质没有改变,目前和我们签订的合同或者订单不需要做更新或者修改。当然,您会在我们所有新的文件上看到我们的新名称。







这些改变不会影响现有的沟通渠道,若您需要进一步的信息,请不要犹豫,联系您当地MeggittSan Juan Capistrano)公司的代表。


                                                                 Gary Oria




Change of Corporate Name of Endevco to Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc.

Dear Customer or Agents,

member company, is now co-ordinating its businesses through five divisions.

Effective Thursday, September 30, 2010, Endevco Corporation will change its legal name to Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc. This change of legal name is not a change in the form of entity or a change in our operation. Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (formerly Endevco Corporation) continues to be a legal entity incorporated in Delaware, USA.

There is no need to novate or assign any current contracts or orders placed with us, as there is no change to the legal entity Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc (formerly Endevco Corporation). You will of course begin to see our new name on all our documentation.

Also effective September 30, 2010, Endevco Corporation is one of 9 facilities trading as Meggitt Sensing Systems. The corporate name change we are announcing today formalises the company's alignment with this new organisational structure.

This reorganisation is designed to transform the Meggitt group from a set of strong individual businesses—around 30 worldwide—into one highly competitive, high performance engineering group. Working together in this way will equip us to meet the needs of our customers and partners better, thereby contributing to our mutual success.

You will see we are moving toward four fully-integrated divisions or Strategic Business Units, each one dedicated to the development of complementary Meggitt technologies and capabilities—Polymers and Composites, Control Systems, Aircraft Braking Systems and Sensing Systems.

A fifth division will enable businesses representing specialized capabilities to maintain their market focus. At the same time, they will benefit from the investment in shared services and standard processes driven by a more strongly coordinated centre.

Over time, Meggitt Sensing Systems, as all Meggitt divisions, aims to enhance its approach to problem-solving for customers with an optimized engineering function. This will be underpinned by a wider range of technologies and enhanced products that extend the Meggitt Sensing Systems range and simplify procurement for our customers.

The intent is to create a more cost-effective, capable and synergistic organization that will contribute to our Company's future success.

These changes do not affect existing lines of communication. Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact your local Meggitt (San Juan Capistrano), Inc representative.
Yours truly,

Gary Oria
Director of Product Marketing
Meggitt Sensing Systems





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