- Requires no external power
- +900°F (+482°C) operation
- Hermetically sealed
- Ground isolated
- Balanced differential output
The Meggitt Model 6235M1 piezoelectric accelerometer is designed for high temperature vibrationmonitoringanduse
in high temperatures, wet and dusty environments, and where high radiation is encountered. Accumulated radiation of 1010 rad and up to 1018 thermal neutrons/cm2 can be tolerated. This accelerometer is designed for continuous operation to 482°C.
The Model 6235M1 has a Kevlar covered, double shielded hard-line cable with a three socketMS3474G8-33S receptacle.
The Model 6235M1 is designed and manufactured by Meggitt and incorporates Meggitt’s compression element to provide a balanced output, excellent temperature stability and wideoperational bandwidth. Model 6235M1 provides an electrically balanced differential output isolated from case ground for use with differential charge amplifiers.
Model number definition:
6235M1 = basic model number
6235M1-ZZZ, where ZZZ is the cable length in inches
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