Key features
- Hermetically sealed
- Stable output
- Insensitive to base bending
- Requires no external power
- Excellent general purpose accelerometer
- 7201-10-R, 7201-50-R,7201-100-R available as replacement sensors
Model 7201 is a stud mounted, Isoshear piezoelectric accelerometer designed for general vibration measurement on structures and objects. The Isoshear design is extremely stable and insensitive to such environmental inputs as base bending and thermal transients. The unit is hermetically sealed against external contamination. The accelerometer is a self-generating device that requires no external power source for operation.
7201 features Endevco’s Piezite® Type P-8 crystal element, operating in shear mode. This device exhibits low base strain sensitivity, high resonance frequency, and excellent output stability over time. Signal ground is connected to outer case of the unit. When used with an isolated mounting stud, the accelerometer is electrically isolated from ground. The accelerometer features a 10-32 side-connector. A low-noise coaxial cable is supplied for error-free operation. A model number suffix indicates acceleration sensitivity in pC/g; i.e., 7201-50 features output sensitivity of 50 pC/g.
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